At Havens, there is more play and recess space for kids.The Kindergarten play structure adjacent to the Main Building was modified and re- opened for use.Additional recess and play space was created by removing benches and resurfacing the black top area.The glass wings of the Main Building remain vacant.Portables installed last August continue to be used for grades 3-5.murakami/Nelson is developing enhanced concept designs and cost estimates for the Hybrid Option.
Havens Concept Designs & Cost Estimates for Hybrid Option
At Piedmont High School, as an interim safety measure, a lighter temporary roof was installed over the Quad Building, which contains the library and #30’s classrooms.This work was done so the building could continue to be used by students and staff during the planning process.The project was completed early this summer at a cost of approximately $50,000.Access to the Student Center continues to be limited.Investigation and Concept Design work continued over the summer in both seismic priority and non-priority buildings.
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PHS Design Concepts & Cost Estimates for all buildings
Nov 14, 2007 Regular Board Mtg / 7 pm / City Hall Council Chambers
At Beach, murakami/Nelson is developing Concept Design Options and Cost Estimates for review by the Board in late October.Structural deficiencies identified at the school are very similar to those identified in the 1930’s construction at Havens.
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Beach Design Concepts & Cost Estimates
Oct 24, 2007 Regular Board Mtg / 7 pm / City Hall Council Chambers
At Wildwood, work is taking more time because a complete set of drawings are unavailable from the original 1930’s construction.A more thorough investigation is being conducted in order to develop these drawings.Similar to Beach, structural deficiencies identified at the school are very similar to those identified in the 1930’s construction at Havens.
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Wildwood Investigative Report
Oct 10, 2007 Regular Board Mtg / 7 pm / City Hall Council Chambers
Wildwood Preliminary Concepts & Preliminary Cost Estimates
Nov 14, 2007 Regular Board Mtg / 7 pm / City Hall Council Chambers
At the Maintenance Facility, located between the Morrison Gym and Witter Field, an investigation by the structural engineers and architects for seismic, fire/life safety, and accessibility deficiencies has been conducted.
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Maintenance Facility Investigation Report, Concept Design & Cost Estimates
Oct 24, 2007 Regular Board Mtg / 7 pm / City Hall Council Chambers
At Piedmont Middle School, fire/life safety, non- structural hazards, and accessibility deficiencies have been investigated and were reported to the Board in August.
Learn more about:
PMS Design Concepts & Cost Estimates
Nov 14, 2007 Regular Board Mtg / 7 pm / City Hall Council Chambers
Citizens’ Oversight Committee Report
The 2007 Annual Report to the Community was presented to the Board on June 27.The report included financial activity from inception through May 14, 2007.All bond program expenditures were viewed to be appropriate as authorized under the bond measure approved by voters in March 2006.
Click here to see the Citizens’ Oversight Committee Report
Bond Financial Activity
Out of approximately $15 million in revenue generated from the first bond issuance, approximately $2.7 million has been spent through 6/30/07.As noted earlier, each school site is at a slightly different stage in the Project Investigation and Concept Development Phase.The highest priority facilities, Havens and PHS, are farthest along and therefore have incurred the highest costs.Due to the absence of drawings, Wildwood is in the earliest stage of this phase.
Click here to see the latest Financial Report
Next Steps: Program Plan Development Phase
Late November marks the beginning of the Program Plan Development Phase of the Bond Program.While input will be solicited from the various committees and public in helping to define the scope for each school facility project, ultimately the Board of Education is responsible for deciding how the projects will come together into a comprehensive Program Plan.Before developing a draft plan, consultants will look to the Board for a set of specific guidelines to use in developing the Program Implementation Plan.Superintendent Constance Hubbard will present these recommended guidelines for the Board’s consideration on September 26.This information will be presented to the various bond committees, parent and community groups for input and discussed more fully by the Board beginning on October 10.
On November 28, a special board meeting will be convened, where CPM and murakami/Nelson will present a Draft Program Plan that integrates feedback received on the individual Project Concept Design Options and incorporates recommended guidelines provided by the Board to use in developing project scopes and phasing, and project and program budgets and financing.
Next School Board Meeting
The next regular meeting of the School Board will take place on September 26th at 7:00 pm in City Hall Council Chambers.The public is invited and encouraged to attend this meeting and provide input.