In this Issue:
Piedmont Unified School District continues to pursue a multi-pronged strategy in developing a plan to address the seismic strengthening needs of its facilities.This newsletter outlines the most up to date information available on the district’s progress.
Master Planning Overview
The Program Management Team is responsible for developing a Master Plan to address the seismic safety and related accessibility and fire & life safety deficiencies of the district’s facilities.The plan will include the priorities, scope and budget for the overall program and for each school site as well as an estimated timeline for the completion of each project.Although the process is not entirely sequential, it can be thought of as happening in four major stages.
1.Evaluation & Analysis: Architects murakami/Nelson, working with Structural Engineer Ron Gallagher, are performing a detailed assessment of each school site to identify seismic deficiencies and related accessibility and fire & life safety issues.This evaluation includes the Tier 2 quantitative engineering analysis of the structural issues at each site.In some instances, when significant structural risks have been identified, near-term mitigation steps may be recommended to reduce the life safety risk until a permanent solution is completed.Evaluation & Analysis has been completed for the Havens, PHS, and Beach sites and the remaining sites are expected to be completed by this Fall.
2.Concept Design & Cost Estimation: murakami/Nelson are developing one or more design concepts to address the seismic, accessibility and fire & life safety issues at each site, as well as rough cost estimates for each design option.This stage of the planning process has been completed for Havens.Design concepts and cost estimates for the remaining sites are expected to be completed by this Fall.
3.Cost/Benefit Analysis: The program management team, led by Capital Program Management, will develop a cost benefit analysis for each project, which includes an assessment of whether the potential scope of work, when considered in the aggregate (all projects together), can be accomplished within the total $56 million bond program authorization.Although this process is ongoing, an analysis of the overall program cost and priorities will not be completed until after concept design options and cost estimates have been reviewed for all of the sites.
4.Project & Program Implementation: Once the Master Plan and project plans are finalized and approved by the Board of Education, the Program Management Team, working with the Division of the State Architect, will manage the implementation of each project and the overall program plan through detailed Design / Construction Documents / Construction.
Public input will continue to take place at major milestones throughout the planning process – at scheduled public engagement and regular board meetings, in meetings of the Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee, and via e-mail to the PUSD Bond Program website.
Havens Update
The architects and engineers have completed the Evaluation, Design Concepts and Cost Estimates.According to structural engineer, Ron Gallagher, “All three buildings do not meet the agreed upon ASCE 31 performance standards for life safety.The already vacated classroom wings of the main building have the most serious deficiencies.” According to architect John Nelson, “Given the topographic constraints of the site, what has evolved over time is a maze of accessibility with significant barriers along most routes.”Three retrofit options have been developed with preliminary cost estimates ranging from $9.5 to $23.2 million.In addition, a very rough estimate for a fourth option to rebuild the school has been developed with a range of $35 to $41.8 million.The options and cost estimates are currently being reviewed and vetted by working committees of the bond program and will continue to be refined in the future.A Havens Community Meeting was held on May 30 to solicit additional public input on each of these options.A recap of the meeting will be available on the website soon.
Click here to see the Havens Evaluation & Analysis
PHS Update
The Evaluation & Analysis of the high school campus is complete.The structural analysis identified that the most serious deficiencies exist in the Quad Building, comprised of five different structures built between the 1930’s and late 1990’s.The clay tile roof on the oldest part of this building poses the greatest life safety risk.The Tier 2 analysis substantiated the preliminary analysis on the Student Center building.In the event of a major earthquake the building would likely suffer significant damage, however not be a collapse hazard.Different from the preliminary analysis, the Tier 2 findings on the Alan Harvey Theatre indicate that, “The theatre generally meets ASCE 31 life safety criteria, except that some of the connections of the roof framing to the large concrete columns are overstressed.”Near-term Mitigation: murakami/Nelson, Inc.recommended that, “If the two older wings of the Quad building continue to be used before being strengthened, then the heavy roof tile should be removed and replaced with a light-weight temporary roof as an interim safety measure.” The Board authorized for this work to be completed this summer.The scope of the project involves removing tile from a portion of the quad (30’s) building and installing a temporary roof using a standard composition roof shingle.The color of the temporary roof will approximate a match to the existing roof tiles, and the ORIGINAL clay tiles will be retained and stored.The projected cost of the temporary roof installation is less than $100,000.
The Board has authorized murakami/Nelson to continue working on the campus this summer, and targeted October 2007 for the Concept Design and Cost Estimation work to be complete.
Click here to see the PHS Evaluation & Analysis
Beach Update
The Evaluation & Analysis phase at the school is complete.The structural deficiencies identified at the elementary school facility are similar to the deficiencies of the 1930’s construction at Havens, with one exception.According to structural engineer, Ron Gallagher, “Many of the shear walls in the building are significantly overstressed.While we do not believe the building is a collapse hazard, it appears it would suffer significant damage” due in large part to the heavy tile roof and many window and door openings in the exterior walls.Addressing the structural deficiencies is likely to trigger some level of accessibility and life- safety upgrades.No Near-term Mitigation measures were recommended.Click here to see the Beach Evaluation & Analysis
State Matching Funds
The District has applied to the Office of Public School Construction for State matching funds.With the passage of Proposition 1D in November 2007, $7.35 billion more in State funds will be available for K-12 public school construction modernization projects.Eligibility is based on the age of buildings, student population, and past receipt of state modernization funds.Based on these criteria, the District is eligible for over $11.7 million in state modernization funds.Access to the funds is on a first come first serve basis.Application for State funds can be made only after project plans have been approved by the Division of the State Architect.Estimates of State Modernization Funding by Site
Civic Center Master Planning Meetings
A special joint session of the City Council and Board of Education was held on April 30, to receive an update from Fisher Friedman Associates regarding the City’s Civic Center Master Plan Project and murakami/Nelson architects regarding the School District’s Bond Program.Because school facilities are located within our town center, proposed modifications to these facilities may impact the Civic Center Master Plan development proposals.After hearing the presentations, the Council and School Board heard from the public and considered how best to maximize the efficient use of community resources in addressing the two renovation efforts.The Board asked for public feedback as to: 1) repair or rebuild preferences regarding Havens School; 2) whether Ellen Driscoll Auditorium should be preserved given its architectural heritage; 3) entrance to Havens School and location of drop-off zones; and 4) building accessibility.A second joint session is scheduled for June 11 when the City Council and School Board will continue their discussion of opportunities for joint action in the Civic Center.The meeting will take place at 7:30 pm in City Hall Council Chambers.
Next School Board Meeting
The next regular meeting of the School Board will take place on June 13 at 7:00 pm in City Hall Council Chambers.The public is invited and encouraged to attend this meeting and provide input.