Press Release: July 27, 2006

The school district is making significant progress in establishing the organizational structure for the management of the Measure E General Obligation Bond Project.

At its regular board meeting on July 26, 2006, the Board of Education reviewed the search process and tentative time-line for the hiring of the Program Manager, who will play a pivotal role in the planning and construction project.

A Request for Proposal (RFP) was released on July 10, 2006.Superintendent Constance Hubbard conducted a mandatory walk-through of the facilities yesterday with those individuals or firms who may be interested in responding to the RFP.The response to the RFP was strong in that 28 individuals and/or firms participated in the mandatory walk-through.A list of the firms who participated is available in the District Office and on the District website.The search process and key dates are as follows:

Questions on the RFP:                   Cut-off is 4 pm          July 28, 2006

Responses to RFP Questions       Via e-mail by 6 pm   August 2, 2006

Submittals                                         12:00 noon                August 11, 2006

Screening of Candidates                                                   August 11-15, 2006

Finalists will be notified                                                      August 16, 2006

Finalists to submit detailed confidential                          August 18, 2006
fee schedule

Interviews                                                                              August 21, 2006

Final Determination                                                                        August 23, 2006

The screening and interviewing of candidates for the Program Manager position will be completed by a committee of school district, board, and technical advisory committee representatives.As noted in the RFP, “The committee will select a group of up to five finalists for further evaluation.The criteria for selecting finalists may include without limitation:  Experience and performance history of firm with similar programs; experience and results of proposed personnel; references from clients contacted by the District; technical capabilities and track record of their use; and overall responsiveness of the proposal.”  The board has targeted August 23, 2006, at its regular board meeting, to announce its decision.Please contact Superintendent Constance Hubbard at 510-594-2614 or with any questions.

This update was posted on Thursday, July 27th, 2006 at 8:55 pm.